
Welcome to the site for the IAH Commission on Mineral and Thermal Waters (CMTW).

Commission on Mineral and Thermal Waters (CMTW) is one of the standing bodies (working groups) of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH), established in August 1968 in Prague, Czechoslovakia, during the 23rd session of the International Geological Congress. Since then CMTW has convened 49 meetings.

The mission of CMTW is to bring together scientists, hydrogeologists, engineers and other professionals dealing with mineral and thermal waters to foster collaboration, exchange of knowledge and experience. Through organization of meetings, scientific sessions and field visits CMTW gives participants unique, direct and visual opportunities to become familiar with actual problems in the field of hydrogeology, exploration and utilization of mineral and thermal waters in different countries. We aim to provide a platform for exchange of views, knowledge and know-how, to undertake collective efforts to solve important problems concerning exploration, utilization and management of mineral and thermal waters. CMTW’s activities are also directed to education, dissemination of knowledge and results of scientific research and support of innovative solutions in the field of applied hydrogeology. The Commission encourages its members to publish the results of their work through supporting of varies opportunities to contribute in special issues or monographs

We hope our website will encourage you to find out more about the commission and also to become involved.